lauantai 1. maaliskuuta 2014

Denis Alexander, ID ja Luominen

Tri Denis Alexander
kuva wikimedia
Wikipedia kertoo:
Dr. Denis Alexander is the director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion at St Edmund's College, Cambridge, a molecular biologist and an author on science and religion. He is also an editor of Science and Christian Belief. He is an evangelical Christian.

Scientific work
Alexander was an Open Scholar at Oxford, where he studied Biochemistry. He studied for a PhD in Neurochemistry at the Institute of Psychiatry.

He spent 15 years in various university departments and laboratories outside the United Kingdom, establishing the National Unit of Human Genetics while an Associate Professor of Biochemistry American University of Beirut, Lebanon.

He worked at the Imperial Cancer Research Laboratories in London and subsequently headed the Molecular Immunology Programme and the Laboratory of Lymphocyte Signalling and Development at the Babraham Institute, Cambridge.

Science and religion
Alexander has written on the subject of religion and science since at least 1972, when his book 'Beyond Science' was reviewed by Hugh Montefiore, then Bishop of Kingston upon Thames in the New Scientist, in which Montefiore noted that Alexander never came out in that book explicitly in support of evolution.

Alexander has stated that he believes "that the Bible is the inspired Word of God from cover to cover" and that this position is consistent with his support for evolution.

A renowned critic of intelligent design, Alexander has written that is not science and should not be taught as such. He gives an overview of his position in his article, "Creation and Evolution" in The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity.

He says the idea that evolution is an atheistic theory is misguided and has arisen "because the ideas and scope of evolutionary theory are frequently misunderstood by Christian non-biologists, whereas atheists on their part often have little knowledge of the biblical doctrine of creation" while "many people have tried to hijack the theory of evolution to support all kinds of ideologies.

Evolution has been used to support racism, communism, capitalism and other ideologies, many of them mutually incompatible"

He argues that "attacks by well-meaning Christians on evolution cause a serious hindrance to evangelism within the scientific community and, as a matter of fact, promote rather than counteract atheism."

Alexander responded to Stephen Hawking's The Grand Design by stating that "the 'god' that Stephen Hawking is trying to debunk is not the creator God of the Abrahamic faiths who really is the ultimate explanation for why there is something rather than nothing", adding that "Hawking's god is a god-of-the-gaps used to plug present gaps in our scientific knowledge."

"Science provides us with a wonderful narrative as to how [existence] may happen, but theology addresses the meaning of the narrative".

Alexander has been quoted in such books as Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the i by theologian Alister McGrath. He also makes an appearance in the documentary film The Trouble with Atheism, where he discusses his views on science and religion.

lue koko artikkeli wikipediasta jossa on myös kirjallisuusluettelo

"Raamattu on kannesta kanteen Jumalan inspiroima ja tämä on sopusoinnussa evoluution kanssa."

"Hyvää tarkoittavien kristittyjen hyökkäykset evoluutiota vastaan nostavat vakavia esteitä tiedeyhteisön evankeliomiselle ja itse asiassa vahvistavat pikemmin kuin torjuvat ateismia"

"Biologiaa tuntemattomat kristityt käsittävät usein väärin evoluutioteorian ideat ja tavoitteet."

"Ateistit tuntevat heikosti raamatullisen opetuksen luomisesta"

"Se jumala, jonka Stephen Hawking yrittää kumota ei ole Abraham-uskontojen Jumala, joka on pohjimmainen selitys sille, miksi mitään ylipäätään on olemassa."

"Hawkingin jumala on aukkojen jumala, jota käytetään täyttämään tieteellisessä tiedossamme olevia aukkoja".

"Tiede antaa hienon kertomuksen siitä, miten kaikki voi olla olemassa, mutta teologia antaa tälle kertomukselle merkityksen."

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hienoa että löysit Denis Alexanderin tähän. Minulle hänen kirjansa Creation or Evolution on ollut kaikkein merkityksellisin kirja tätä keskustelemaamme dilemmaa pohtiessani. Osa sen biologisesta selvityksestä meni yli minun käsityskykyni, mutta kirjan kokonaisnäkemys ja vastaukset moniin jatkuvasti esillä oleviin kysymyksiin olivat herkullista luettavaa. Tämä herra Alexander kävi Suomessa viime vuonna ja piti luennon sekä yliopistolla että STI:ssä ja juttelin hänen kanssaan. Luentojen aiheena oli yleisempi uskon ja tieteen välinen pohdinta.

    1. Hienoa kuulla, että olet tavannut hänet myös henkilökohtaisesti!

      Laitan suosittelemastasi Creation or Evolution kirjasta meille lyhyen kuvauksen
